CHINA HERITAGE QUARTERLY China Heritage Project, The Australian National University ISSN 1833-8461
No. 20, December 2009


Libraris and Book-Collecting in China | China Heritage Quarterly

Libraries and Book-Collecting in China from the Epoch of the Five Dynasties to the End of the Ch'ing

V.L. Wong 黄維廉

V.L. Wong 黄維廉, 'Libraries and Book-Collecting in China from the Epoch of the Five Dynasties to the End of the Ch'ing, T'ien Hsia Monthly, Vol.VIII, No.4, April 1939, pp.327-343.

An advertisement from Yuzhou Feng Magazine.

The beginning of libraries and book-collecting in China means the beginning of China's culture and civilization. About four thousand years ago, China already possessed a written language in the form of inscriptions on oracle bones, stone, and metal, which, being done by the scholars of the time as a form of writing, became the earliest kind of written literature known.