Once Again | China Heritage Quarterly
The China Critic: 1945
Once Again
In late 1940, The China Critic suspended publication. It did not reappear for five years, and would only publish through 1945. In the following year, the Civil War between the Nationalist government and Communist forces would change the landscape of Chinese thought, public advocacy and the media. 'Once Again', published to announce the reappearance of The China Critic on 23 August 1945 (vol.32, no.1) promised a new era for the magazine. It was, in fact, the beginning of the end.—The Editor
In November 1940, this journal acted upon 'advice' and suspended publication. Today it makes its appearance again. The lapse of five years will not change the policy which it pursued for more than a decade. On account of lack of printing facilities, high cost of labor and newsprint and absence of most of our regular contributors, only a skeleton edition is offered. As soon as circumstances permit, it will be out earnest desire to restore this journal to its full stature.